MPOD-05: Reluctant to Disclose
Thomas candidly dives into a few reasons male survivors might be reluctant to disclose the sexual abuse. He opens up and shares a rare detail about his own sexual abuse and disclosure.
Thomas candidly dives into a few reasons male survivors might be reluctant to disclose the sexual abuse. He opens up and shares a rare detail about his own sexual abuse and disclosure.
Two strangers meet. Thomas met Dave after speaking at the Courage Conference in Florida. They asked each other one question "What does it look like for us to be a part of each others life
male survivors, stepping into their greatness and being who they were meant to be, and doing the work to get to that place
Thomas shares two recent coaching sessions with high-functioning survivors. One survivor deals with the aftermath by acting out and repeating abusive behaviors
Toxic family behavior can look cruel, critical, controlling, and show a lack of empathy or respect for your boundaries