MGZ-14: Taking sides: Abuse in the family
Toxic triangulation occurs when someone attempts to get other people to side with them instead of you. It can feel as
Magazine article
Toxic triangulation occurs when someone attempts to get other people to side with them instead of you. It can feel as
This means that the troubling and painful feelings, behaviors and thoughts people experience are a legacy of the manipulation, control, betrayal and physical assault that occurs
Guys constantly want sex, or so we've been conditioned to believe. If this sounds like you, it may be a case of sexual aversion. Another way to think of it is your body's intense response to sexual anxiety.
Stress and anxiety, especially before medical or dental procedures; panic attacks; and post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD).
It was scary; I was afraid of judgement most of all. I had feelings of guilt, and I struggled with self esteem and trying to hide my story.”
I used to ponder if being sexually abused by men as a child contributed to my being gay. So, I will share with you my experience and belief. Sexuality is a highly complex subject for many male survivors.
Joshua was sexually abused in the sixth grade. In retrospect, he says, "I was a prime target." His parents
During this state, your brain sees no options. It's not that the survivor has no options, but he cannot decide among them. The brain is
Podcast listeners voted Scotty as one of their favorite interviewees. His fun, brandish, and open personality often shines through.
The individual who is constantly in a bad mood, creating tension everywhere he goes, is a candidate utilizing catabolic energy. The energy or attitude
Rising to the challenge of recovery and reclaiming life from childhood sexual abuse can be daunting. Yet, we often demonstrate
Now multiply the reaction times ten for the male survivor.You found yourself reacting in ways you never intended.