INPOD-11: Intimacy Challenges Premature ejaculation
Many survivors struggle with sexual issues later in life. They often treat sex as an obligation and have difficulty establishing emotional connections with their partners.
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Many survivors struggle with sexual issues later in life. They often treat sex as an obligation and have difficulty establishing emotional connections with their partners.
Sexual abuseĀ among siblings happens more frequently than most people realize. Some research suggests that it is the most common form of child sexual abuse.
Sexual trauma can have profound effects on our psyche. Sometimes it lends to a person being more sexually active in less safe ways. Perhaps we are trying to regain control or a sense of body ownership.
A question asked to coach
When most people think of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), they envision debilitating anxiety and depression that seems apparent from the outside. But some people exhibit signs of high-functioning PTSD, and they might not be as obvious as you thought.
This can trigger symptoms of fear, including shaking, sweating, racing heartbeat, rapid breathing, and panic attacks. As a result, people may take steps to avoid contact, which can negatively...
Complex PTSD is a fairly new term. Professionals have recognized for a while that some types of trauma can have additional effects to PTSD, but have disagreed...
The inability to clearly think or process information can be caused by many things. It could be as simple as lacking proper sleep, not eating enough nutrient-dense foods, B12 deficiency, or it could be an after effect of our sexual abuse.
The pain of staying the same is often less intense in the short term than the pain of making changes. However, the longer
syndrome to include any relationship in which victims of abuse develop a strong, loyal attachment to the perpetrators of abuse. Some of the populations affected ...